HCII 2018_ Las Vegas USA

HCII 2018_ Las Vegas USA

I´m collaborating with HCIInternational_2018. 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. I have organized three sessions in three differences conferences: VAMR: 10th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality UAHCI: 12th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction LCT: 5th International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies Let´s go ¡¡¡

Collaborating with CMST 2019_University of Cambridge

Collaborating with CMST 2019_University of Cambridge

This year 2018 I´m collaborating with the University of Cambridge as Committee member on The International Conference on Computational Materials Science and  Thermodynamic Systems (CMST 2019). http://cmst-conf.org/index.php/committee I invite you to participate in this conference with new developments in theory, analytical, numerical simulations and modeling to provide new contributions on properties of materials including such as but not limited […]

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